offers a complete, clear and concise overview of the Buddha’s wisdom for beginners and experienced meditators
given by Pip Ransome, authorised to teach meditation and the Buddha’s Teachings by highly-respected Buddhist nun the late Venerable Ayya Khema. There is an end to suffering. The Buddha-Dhamma shows us how to reach it.
In 2024, Pip is joined by Jacqui Winstanley to teach the Dhamma. Jacqui shares her wisdom and experience with generosity and freshness that are grounded in reality. Jacqui’s insight has developed over 30 years of practicing and teaching meditation, mindfulness and yoga.
With 30 years experience giving retreats and courses in Victoria and interstate
buddhatalk teachers aim to be clear, concise, provide a complete picture and give you the Buddha’s top quality fishing rod – the Noble 8-fold Path – so you can fish for yourselves. Wisdom, Enlightenment – the end of suffering – comes only through the understood experience. Experience comes only from practice. The resources below give you all you need to make a solid start on the Path.
The resources include books, an 8-part introductory audio series ‘Journey to Tranquility – an overview of the Buddha’s Teachings’, audio recordings of Ongoing Insight Group sessions, two audio series from retreats given in Australia by Venerable Ayya Khema, guided relaxations and loving-kindness meditations and more.
Current offerings are:
- Journey to Tranquility introductory courses
- The Ongoing Insight Group, open to those who have completed an introductory course
- Weekend and one-day retreats
- Casual meditation sessions
- A Weekly Meditation and Mindfulness Group
- Online Sangha Sharing

Current courses
Buddha’s Teachings:
Ongoing Insight
After completing the Journey To Tranquility course, continue and deepen your practice with like-minded friends. Together we meditate, practise mindfulness, contemplate and share our latest discoveries on the way to seeing things clearly. It’s an exhilarating journey!
This is an ongoing group for people aged 55 and over, weekly except for school holidays. Full course notes will be provided.
It was another marvellous term with many opportunities to gain new insights. Thank you for your generosity and wisdom. I’m looking forward to next term OC
You’ve given me a lot to consider, digest and benefit from BK
Wednesdays 11:30am – 1:30pm
During school terms.Â
No course in Term 1 2025.Â
Email us to register your interest for next course.
Via the Zoom platform.Â
Open to those 55+ who have completed the Journey to Tranquility course.
Offered by Pip Ransome
No course in Term 1 2025
Register your interest for our next course
Journey to Tranquility:
Buddha’s Teachings
This course will provide you with strategies for nurturing your mind, drawn from the Buddha’s teachings. Together we’ll practise five main methods:
- Relaxation, to ease the body
- Loving-kindness, to open the heart
- Meditation, to rest and calm the mind
- Mindfulness, to clear the mind, and
- Contemplation, to explore where we belong in our fascinating universe
Practising these will bring you to an ease-full place where life flows more smoothly. The course will suit both beginners and experienced meditators.
Thank you Pip for all your wonderful resources and teachings. I feel I’m on the way home ever since I attended your first class. TM
You inspire me to practice. JO’S
I feel I have finally started on the right path. WB
No retreats scheduled.Â
Please email to register your interest in future retreats.Â
Weekend Retreat
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November
10am-4pm each day
Face to face. Open to adults 18+
Balnarring, Victoria
Meditation retreats are a wonderful way to extend and deepen your meditation and contemplation.
Enjoy daily Dhamma talks, sustained practice and nutritious food with like-minded friends.
- Weekend and one-day retreatsÂ
- In-person
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment
A two-day mindfulness retreat
Saturday and Sunday November 23 and 24, 2024
10am to 4pm
Saltbush, 122 Balnarring Beach Rd. Balnarring, Victoria
This two-day retreat offers an opportunity to rest in
mindful awareness and deepen your meditation
practice, whilst cultivating the qualities of mind and
heart that lead to awakening, known as the Seven
Factors of Enlightenment.
Enjoy sitting meditation, walking meditation, Dhamma
talks and contemplations. The retreat will be led by
experienced Dhamma teacher Jacqui Winstanley and
the buddhatalk community (sangha).
A vegan lunch by Ben from Tulum Store and light
afternoon tea is provided on both days.
Price: $100 full / $80 concession
Places for this special two-day retreat are limited so please register early via this link.
Registrations close on Friday 18 October 2024 or when sold out.
Limited accommodation in shared houses at Saltbush is available at additional cost, with a 2-night minimum stay (Friday and Saturday). Please contact buddhatalk if you wish to stay in shared accommodation while attending the retreat. Long-distance travellers will be given priority.
Please contact buddhatalk for more information on

Weekly Meditation Group, Balnarring
We now have a weekly meditation group at Balnarring Hall (enter via side door near kindergarten)
Wednesdays 1:30 – 3pm during school term.
Face to face.
Open to adults 18+
Gold coin donation
Offered by Jacqui Winstanley
To register, please email
With thanks to Balnarring Community Hub for hosting our sessions

Casual Meditation Group Sessions, Somers
2nd Saturday of each month, during school terms
10:30am – 12pm
Coolart Homestead and Gardens, Lord Somers Camp Road, Somers
Bring your own outdoor chair and cushion
To register, and for updates please email
Download books and audio files: